Hello there, I will re-introduce myself for this winter semester of 2022. My name is Dylan Johns, I am a father of 2 (14 and 11), husband, coach, volunteer and high school teacher and learning leader. I love building, the outdoors, sports and travel. I am good with people and technology but often prefer to be with a small knit crew of solid folks and disconnected! I, like most, am ready for this pandemic to end and am excited about no masks and travel. But enough about me, let me tell you about the major project I have been struggling to pin down to an exact usable idea... Admittedly, I have been very busy lately, so taking a bunch of time to think about and decide on a major project for a class I just started has been challenging. Teaching feels like its a train off the tracks, my volunteer work is going nuts because of Covid, my childrens sports have my wife and I going different directions almost daily and winter storms seem to make hockey road trips and the morning commute not the relaxing event it can sometimes be. But in all this busyness I know I must enjoy one of the most special times in life, my healthy children and my middle age of adulthood with most of my health and abilites. I must extract every ounce of joy and memory I can now, it takes reminders, but I truly know this, as one of my favourite blogs reminds me, our time is limited: Wait but Why - the Tail End. I also feel like the adolescents I teach truly do not know how precious their time is, and what they could achieve if they really focused and embraced opportunities.
The reason I tell you this is that when I read the options for our major project (no offense to others) I saw Option 1 - Curriculum something something, Option 2 - play with apps that kids spend most their time on, Option 3 - Try to make a positive change using social media, or Option 4 - make something up. So by process of elimination I think I must choose Option 3, with the topic of trying to inspire youth to live life to the fullest, or to not waste their time, or to embrace all the abundance surrounding them or all of these things. Pretty big idea I know, but I am guilty of this often. I had a few conversations with colleagues about this idea and many think it is a large concept and will likely need narrowing down. So I asked a student what they thought and they thought it was a good idea, even to ask kids what is holding them back and then helping them move forward. So I guess that is my choice, Option 3 - Internet based social activism project. At this point the idea is wide open but I would like to compile and create resources to inspire and help youth to live a good life regardless of where they are at. So maybe a website with different paths for inspiration, or a Venn Diagram (or flower) showing the many things that make you appreciate your limited time on this planet. What I would love from classmates or others, is any ideas or suggestions as to what you think would work, how you like the idea (I actually don't mind constructive criticism), a hashtag that might make it viral or other input and inspirations! Thank you and best wishes on the beginning of your journey.
Gunpreesh Kaur
1/22/2022 06:19:55 pm
Hey Dylan.. the post is really interesting. I think you chose great option and I am excited to see some awesome inputs from you and yes its a-lot to do with this topic. All the best for this creative journey!!
Patricia Ives
1/22/2022 06:59:19 pm
I can appreciate your inspiration for this positive social activism project. It will be exciting to see where this takes you. Your openness and willingness to explore ideas is sure to lead you down some interesting and inventive pathways! What grade level(s) are you developing this with? What are some ideas bouncing around your brain for interactive digital components?
1/24/2022 11:38:47 am
Hi Patricia, I would be developing this for High school or just past youth as that is the level I teach and see the need for inspiration! 1/23/2022 08:28:51 am
Hi Dylan! I'm so glad you've chosen this project! I think it could really turn into something beautiful and impactful. I was interested in this option too, as I've always thought that social media and the internet should be used to create positive change in the world, but I thought it would be too difficult with the age of learners I teach (Pre-K and Grade 1). To help you focus in more on your project, you could consider how the students can help guide the direction of the project and how they will work to spread your message in a digital way. Are they going to tweet, make YouTube videos, create a website? Looking forward to seeing how your project evolves!
Dylan Johns
1/24/2022 11:39:58 am
Thanks for the input Kara, still musing over how I want to interact within the space... not an easy decision with so many platforms and tools! Dylan, it sounds like you are taking on quite the project, and I know that you will do a great job. To start, why not open it up to your students? Create a Jamboard/Padlet/FlipGrid/Wakelet about the things that they think need changing, and how they think they can do it. Creating a community based action project, and then incorporating online elements may be a really powerful thing for the kids in your community. I mean, it doesn't have to be something huge, but it may be something meaningful to the community that people outside the community/age group may not see.This is a magnificient project, and I seriously am super pumped with what you come up with!
Dylan Johns
1/24/2022 11:41:25 am
Thanks Kelly, Yes I agree that input and some narrowing is likely very necessary. Appreciate your confidence in me, suggestion for youth input, which I hope to incorporate meaningfully! Comments are closed.
AuthorDylan Johns Categories
April 2022